Sunday, February 27, 2005


I live in Madrid and my favorite operating systems are Linux and OpenBSD. I can write code in C, C#, Java, and some Python. My favourite IDE is Eclipse, however I'm starting with Monodevelop for C#

For programing in C I prefer emacs. I had been working in several telco/manufacture companies (Vodafone, Ericsson,..) with mobile networks. I'm interested in *NIX kernel development, Linux Desktop (Ubuntu, Gnome, Mono ..), networking, phone systems, cryptography ...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Supongo q hablas español, y eso espero xq no hablo ingles.. trabajs en eclipse

bueno no se tu pero todos lso gui java me han parecido muy muy muy lentos
y quisiera sabe r como te va a ti

espero tu repsueta