Friday, May 06, 2005

Monouml for Ubuntu Breezy

I have just packaged monouml for ubuntu breezy. MonoUML is a CASE tool based on the mono Framework written in C#. It supports UML 2.0 (for models and diagrams), works with XMI 2.0, 1.2 and 1.0, code generation, reverse engineering (importing from CIL assemblies) and much more.

Sample Class Diagram

Reverse engineering Process of MVC

1 comment:

André Simões said...


I install MonoUML using your personal Breezy repository but I have a error and I don't how to fix this.

For me this error is caused by some path configuration, the monouml in the package are using the path of your machine and I don't know how or were I fix it.

this is mesage: